I know it's been awhile, but honestly we have been very busy enjoying life as a family of three, but soon to be a family of four! Honestly, I had to pick and choose which social media I wanted to spend more time on, and sadly blogging was on the bottom of the list. But, maybe with the new formatting of blogger, it will be easier. So, back to our exciting news! In January 2013, we will welcome another sweet little baby to our home, and we are so thrilled! This time around, Neal and I are almost more excited, because we remember all of the cool things about watching Camden grow. Everything has gone well so far, although, the morning sickness (try 24 hour sickness) has been much worse this time. I've actually lost weight this time around. I was a little worried about how everything was going until this morning's appointment with the doctor. When we arrived, she was very far behind, so they put us in the very back in a room that was really an office. It also happened to be right across from the ultrasound room, and Neal eventually took Camden out to the hallway to change up his scenery. Side note: toddlers get very antsy when you have to wait for any period of time. So, when the sonographer came out of his room, Neal just started chatting with him (and, he couldn't help but notice how cute our son is), and we mentioned that we would see him soon for a sono of baby #2. Then, he asked how far along I am (13 weeks), and said, "Well, I've got time now. Do you want do a quick sonogram?" Well, who could turn that down? We were so happy to see that the baby is healthy and growing normally. We watched a strong heartbeat, and Camden made monkey sounds, because he thought the baby looked like a monkey. I think God knew just what I needed to settle my fears that something might be wrong. Everybody always talks about showing earlier with their second, and I was so worried, because I feel like I'm not showing. I am just so thankful to know that all is well. No definitive answer on the gender, although he made a prediction, but we're keeping it to ourselves. Again, we are so glad that the baby is healthy, and Neal was surprised at all of the features we could see at this stage. I am still amazed at how everything works - how blessed we are to have such an awesome Creator! Not to leave Camden out, he is such a smart and sweet little boy. He says a ton of words, and he LOVES cars, trucks, and trains. Give this boy something with wheels and he is content. Also, we watch at least two dvr-ed episodes of Sesame Street per day - he hands me the remote and says, "I need Elmo." I can't turn that cuteness down. Plus, he seems to be learning a lot from Elmo and friends, so I don't see the harm in it. We have also attended two Rangers games this summer, and he recognizes and says "beisball" constantly. He is also working on a pretty mean swing with a bat. Still not sure whether he will be right- or left-handed. So, we pretty much have an awesome little boy, and I am loving spending the summer with him. We are also talking a lot about the new baby with him, but I'm not sure he gets all that is happening (i.e., the monkey sounds at the sonogram), but he is starting to see some changes in the house. We're looking forward to some traveling at the beginning of August and then finding out the baby's gender on August 7th before school starts up again. Look for more updates here!
Changing of the Guard
11 months ago