Ok, so I know I am almost a week late on this post, but until school gets out, I pretty much don't have free time or energy to do anything productive at home. I know this is a long one, but stay with me until the end for an exciting announcement - it is definitely worth your while! We had a fabulous Mother's Day weekend, so I just had to share the details! First off, we drove to Houston to visit my parents and made it just in time to have dinner at my favorite Mexican food restaurant, El Charro. Now, this trip involves bringing home a pint of salsa to enjoy once I get back to Fort Worth! And, did I mention we went to El Charro twice in three days? My family is so patient and accommodating with my cravings. After I thoroughly enjoyed my meal, we went back to my parents house and showed them the dvd from our ultrasound which I never get tired of watching. Neal is not as excited about it, because he still thinks that our baby looks like an alien - I am just constantly amazed and comforted by his movements and watching his heartbeat. After we watched the dvd, I was sitting on the couch with my hands resting on my stomach when I felt a little kick. I have felt movement for awhile, but I had not been able to catch anything that I could feel from the outside. This is very important to me, because I wanted Neal to be able to feel that with me! So, when I realized what I felt, I made him come over and feel my stomach, too, and Neal was able to feel our son kick for the very first time! My mom always has her camera available, so she was able to capture a picture for us as well. Not the most flattering picture, because I was totally stretched out on the couch, but the memory is what is most important, here. I also think that my good meal contributed to his kicks! The next day, Mom and I were able to shop for some fun things for me and the baby! I have loved how much she has spoiled me over the last few months, and I already know that our son is going to be very spoiled by her gifts, seeing as how she is constantly picking stuff out for him! We went to Target and looked at bras (I was down to only one that still fit), maternity clothes, dresses for Mom to wear to baby showers, and of course, all of the nursery furniture, baby gadgets, etc. that Target has to offer. In case you don't know, my mom currently works with the youngest babies at her school, so she is up on all of the latest products. She knows what is popular, what doesn't really work, and what is trendy. This was so helpful for me - especially since Neal and I went to register for the first few items this week. We are so not even close to being finished, but we did get started. After Target, Mom and I went to Jo Ann's to look at yarn for a blanket she is making, and while I was there I decided to take back the striped fabric that I had originally bought at Hancock's and buy a different striped fabric that matches the polka dots that I was thinking about using for a diaper bag or something else. I also bought more of the polka dot fabric. I liked the first set of stripes, but I was having a hard time finding anything else that matched it, and I felt like I had been pressured into buying it by the saleslady at Hancock's who warned me that they would never get more of that particular design again. I was so worried that they wouldn't have it that I bought it without really looking at other stuff, first. So, I am much happier about what I have now. Also, mom bought me more tops at Motherhood Maternity which just so happened to be in the same parking lot as Target. I forgot how wonderful it can be to go to a store where all of the racks have clothes you can try on - not just the racks at the back of the store! Pretty much all of my cute maternity clothes have come from shopping sprees with Mom! Thanks, Mom!

Cindy-I'm excited for y'all! Such a cute name and I really like the patterns you picked! If he ends up coming on the 27th he'll have the same birthday as me!
yay, you picked a name! it's so cute :)
great post!
1- love the fabric for the nursery & can't wait to see if finished!
2- precious name
3- your new due date is one day before my birthday!! :)
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