
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Break, etc.

I know it's been awhile, but as usual school and not having any free time have gotten in the way of blogging. But, I'm back! First off, we have really enjoyed taking family walks, and since it has been brighter outside with this warmer weather, Camden has started sporting his sunglasses. I just had to get a shot of Neal and the little guy before they went on a walk. How cute are these two? Neal said that while on their walk, people stopped and honked and waved at the two of them. I sure hope they were paying attention to the road! My spring break was a couple of weeks ago (this shows how far behind I am), and we decided to spend the week visiting Camden's grandparents. First, we travelled to Athens to visit Neal's parents. We mostly just relaxed around the house and played with Camden. Neal's parents had set up his old crib and a changing station for us to use while we were there. They were set up for us to stay for a month if we wanted! Also, Neal's mom had saved every one of his toys, books, and stuffed animals, which I was able to see. Camden played with some of the toys, but I think he may have been a bit overwhelmed with all of the choices, because he wasn't as excited as I thought he would be. I think I understand why Neal is always so eager to clean out our closets and sell or give away anything we aren't using. :) We will probably keep a couple of Camden's important things for grandchildren to play with, but after we stop having children, I would like to donate or sell items to kid's resale shops, so other little ones can enjoy those items instead of paying for a storage site to keep things in boxes for thirty years. I think that Neal and I would like to keep as a goal for ourselves to not ever have so much "stuff" that we have to use a storage facility. But, I also understand how hard it can be to let go of things that have so many important memories attached to them! On Sunday, we went to the church where Neal grew up, and they met Camden for the first time! You would have thought we had a celebrity with us - everyone wanted to meet him! Neal's dad played with Camden during church and let him fall asleep on his shoulder - so sweet. Somebody did wake him up after church, but since Dr. Helf was holding him, no one dared to ask to hold our little guy. I kind of appreciated that, since he is not always happy about being passed around. We also took him to Neal's dad's office to weigh him, and Camden now weighs 17.5 pounds! Today, I am taking him in for his six month check-up - I can't wait to see how tall he is, too! On Monday, we drove to Houston to spend time with my family. While there, we stayed with my mom and stepdad, and we met my dad and his wife for dinner. My little sister Madisson loved getting to see Camden.

She kept trying to touch his eyes, she kept saying, "Baby!" and she really wanted to hug him. We still haven't found out what my dad wants to be called, but I'm going with Grandpa Mike for now. Also, at Christmas, my dad's wife said that she wanted to be Mimi, but I haven't heard if that's what she decided on for sure.
Anyway, it was fun to see my dad enjoying his grandson. Also, Camden played with one of my old toys (he definitely had plenty of toys to choose from at his grandparents houses), which my mom thought she didn't have anymore, but she had recently found in the attic. He absolutely loved the busy box! This was a present that I received for my first Christmas, and honestly, I thought it could have been retired. However, Camden loved it!
So, I couldn't really keep him away from the busy box. He is such a smart boy! I love watching him try to figure stuff out - he gets this very serious look on his face, and he really concentrates on how to do everything. I think he may be an engineer some day. :) Also, Camden loves to play the piano on his activity table, so we let him try out the piano at each of the grandparents houses. Neal's mom tried this with him, and he loved it, so I had my stepdad play with him in Houston.
Maybe one day Paw will be his piano teacher? I found out that my stepdad used to teach piano lessons in college, so he might teach Camden a thing or two when he's older.

Camden also wore his sandals for the first time on St. Patrick's Day, and he looked absolutely adorable in his green!
He loves to smile for the camera now! We also enjoyed many great meals out with our parents over break, but unfortunately, I caught a stomach bug on Thursday night and had to drive home sick on Friday. I was miserable!
Thankfully, my mom and Neal helped out with Camden while I was feeling sick. I pretty much fed him while they took care of giving him a bath, changing diapers, and keeping him entertained. I learned how hard it is to find the extra energy to care for a healthy, busy baby when you are feeling so sick. I guess that's just part of being a mom. I was also worried that I would get so dehydrated that I might run out of milk for Camden, but I never had to supplement once! Somehow, my body still made it work, even though I knew I wasn't making as much as normal. And, he stayed healthy!
Look at that sweet boy reading with his Grammy!
He also enjoyed a new walker from his Aunt Madisson - he managed to find the one baby hook that was left on it from when she had it and pull it off multiple times. I think we are really going to have to baby proof some things in our house! Like I said, he's a smart one!
His new favorite face - I love it!

And in other news, Camden has his first two teeth coming in on the bottom! He didn't really fuss, although he has been chewing a lot more. Neal just sort of stumbled on it while giving him his vitamins. We were so excited, and it reminds me of how fast he's growing up!
This picture is of his first tooth. Now, he has a second one coming in right next door to this first one.
My sweet boys. :) Camden sometimes likes to try on his daddy's hat! Today, Neal is starting his first day at his new job, and we are so excited! I think this is going to be a really good fit for him, and Camden gets to hang out with his aunt and his grandmothers during the day.
Love him! Well, nap time is just about over, and I need to get the little guy ready for his six month appointment. I am loving this day at home - I'm getting a little taste of what the summer will be like! Stay tuned for six month stats!