(This picture is supposed to be at the end, but somehow ended up here. This is everything we received at our first shower - see the end of the post for more explanation.)
First off, school's out for summer! School's out forever (not really, but I cannot say the first sentence without finishing Alice Cooper's song - thank you, Ms. Eatherly/Smeatherly/Smitherly/Dr. Smith for always singing that to us! Only those of you who graduated from Northland got that reference)! I am so glad to have the next couple of months to finish the nursery, relax, and prepare for life to change in big ways! I will also be working on curriculum writing (as usual) - this is the best summer job for me, because I can sit inside at a computer and listen to music without having to manage a classroom of students. I will definitely hold on to that job for as long as possible!
In other news, we had our first baby shower this week! Neal's two aunts from Connecticut and North Carolina were in town visiting his grandmother, so they wanted to give us a shower. I was really only expecting a couple of gifts and dinner, but they went all out! It was so nice to get to visit with everyone, and I can't believe how much they spoiled us and Camden! Here is a picture of all of the family:
If you saw the photo at the top of this post, you know that Camden's great aunts and grandmother really had fun shopping for him! We now have a fancy swaddle and soothe bouncer, several sets of super soft pj's, a food processor, freezer trays for the baby food that we will be making (more on that later, but I am very excited about this!), socks, swaddling blankets, washcloths, and so on. I couldn't believe how much they bought for him! He is going to be one very blessed, spoiled little boy!
Also (in health news), I have been noticing more aches and pains lately, but those are to be expected. I am also having to get up in the middle of the night more often which I know is preparing me for when Camden is actually here. I will post 24 week belly pictures with my next post. I actually thought that I wasn't really getting bigger this week, but then I put on my favorite pair of maternity capri pants yesterday and noticed that they are much more snug than they used to be, so I am definitely growing - which means the little guy inside of me is growing, too! He also moves very regularly - usually after a good meal or when I am laying or sitting down to relax. Those movements are so comforting!
Tomorrow, we leave very early in the morning to drive to Alabama to visit my grandparents and then we will travel up to Nashville to visit our good friends Brantley and Adrienne and meet their new daughter Ainsley. I can't wait to see everyone! Happy Memorial Day and happy summer off to all my teacher friends!
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