
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Almost Ready!

I know it has been awhile, but I am back at school, I am very tired, and I am feeling the joys of the last few weeks of pregnancy - including back pain, pelvic pain, heartburn (raging heartburn!), and the urge "to go" very frequently! School did start well - I actually have a great group of seventh graders who are very helpful (and excited!) when it comes to my current situation. I do not think that last year's group was self-sufficient enough to handle me sitting in my office chair at my computer throughout most of the class period. This year's group is eager to pass out papers and is very attentive! Also, they seem to be pretty sharp, so I am excited to see how the year turns out! As usual, my ninth graders are pretty wonderful, too, - I just love how much they mature in the year since I had them as seventh graders! I still have some who are going to be toots about their homework, but in general, they are a pretty great group as well.

On Thursday of last week, four of my good friends at school threw me my fourth and final shower. It was so much fun, and we received a few items that we really needed before Camden arrives soon. I hope that no one thought I was unenthusiastic about the shower, because I was so tired from the first week back at school which was preceded by a very hot week spent in my classroom before school started preparing for my students. Here are some pictures from the shower:

Not only was the cake adorable, but it tasted great, too! I had two pieces that night, and the leftovers did not last very long in our house! Yum! By the way, it came from a place called Hot Chocolates, which is located in Bedford, TX - I highly recommend their cakes!
I included this picture, not because I look huge (dresses are doing that to me lately), but because it happens to be the only picture I have of my very sweet and thoughtful hostesses: Jancy, Shea, Lindsey, and Kathleen. They did an awesome job - especially with such a busy first week back at school!
The gift and sign-in table - this was at the beginning of the shower, so there were more gifts that arrived later.
Opening one of my new favorite items - a pink nursing tank! Shea decided that I needed a little pink with all of the blue that is taking over our house! Plus, the pink will make me feel pretty (and hopefully, peppy!) when I don't have time to straighten my hair and put on make-up in the weeks to come!
Most of the guests who attended the shower - I am so blessed to have such wonderful co-workers!
I like my excitement in this picture! Even if I didn't show it the whole time, I really was happy to be there and so excited about all of the new and wonderful things we received for Camden!
I am so happy to have such generous friends, family, and co-workers!
Today was a big day, as well! Neal and I went in for my 36 week appointment, and from here until the end, we will be visiting the doctor every week. I can't believe we're so close to the end! We had our final sonogram and learned some vital information! Camden is positioned with his head pointed down towards my pelvis, so he is ready for delivery and will not be breach!!! This was what I was most worried about, so I am very excited to know that he is in the right place. Also, he weighs about six pounds, eight ounces which puts him in the 62 percentile - a little bit larger than average, but not HUGE. Our doctor thinks he will probably be between 8 and 9 pounds if he goes to full-term. Unfortunately, we did not get great pictures, because he was balled up with his back to the camera and his fists covering up his face. However, at this point, I am not disappointed about that, because we will get to see him in the real world soon enough. I would much rather see and touch him than see fuzzy sonogram pictures. Everything still looked normal and healthy! Then, the doctor examined me, and I am still doing well, also. My blood pressure and urine all checked out, my feet were even doing well as far as the swelling goes (the fan in my classroom is making a huge difference!), and my uterus measured about 37 1/2 centimeters. Camden's heartbeat is about 130 beats per minute which is still healthy and normal. She also took a culture to make sure there are no vaginal infections that will affect the baby when he is born, and measured and checked my cervix. I did not really have any expectations when it came to this, so I was surprised to learn that I am already dilated at one and a half centimeters and fifty percent effaced (that's the thinning of my cervix). So, those tiny little contractions I have been feeling have been doing some work!
Here I am at 36 weeks:
I don't know if you can tell this by looking at this picture, but I am more than ready for Camden to arrive! And, the doctor did tell us that if I were to go into labor now, she would not do anything to stop it. Even though she can't guarantee that Camden would be completely healthy and stable, she feels that we are in the safe zone as far as his viability outside of the womb - even if he did need assistance. So, keep checking my blog - you never know when I might be letting you know that he is on his way! This weekend is my birthday, and it will be Labor Day weekend, so we'll see . . . :)