Wow! This has been a marathon afternoon of blog updating! Can you tell that my little guy has taken a nice long nap today? We have had a blast together this summer! I don't want to think about it coming to an end soon, but I know that the start of school is near. In fact, today I started my one cent shopping trips for folders and other classroom supplies. I'm not going to think about it, though. Instead, here is what we've been up to! Camden and I have gone swimming at a friend's pool with some girls from small group, and he is a huge fan of the water. He loves to splash and kick, and he has even tried a few mouthfuls of pool water - we're trying to break him of that habit! Here are some pictures of us at the pool:
First time in the water
For the past couple of weeks, we have been going to a Mommy and Me swim class at our neighborhood pool. Even though it is very early in the morning, and we are the only ones in the class, Camden and I have enjoyed this time. We've been learning how to kick, splash, blow bubbles, push off of the wall, and dunk his head under the water. He really likes it - especially since he does not have to share any attention with any other babies. Next summer, he will get to do even more in his swim class! I'm really hoping that he will always love the water!
We have also had so much fun playing together during the day! Here is my sweet boy watching Sesame Street and holding on to his beloved triangle. He is crawling all over our house now! He also likes to crawl to one spot and pull himself up to sitting, play for a little while, and then crawl some more. And, he will pull himself up to stand next to any chair or couch where I am sitting. He also loves to climb up our stairs! Yesterday, he climbed up to the very top of our staircase - all by himself (I was following behind him)! When he got to the top, he just wanted to crawl around our game room and check out his old toys that are stored up there.
Oh, and his other favorite place to crawl - the dog bowls! He loves to splash in the water - maybe he thinks it's a very small pool or bathtub? And, he tries to take handfuls of the dog food. I've only caught him with it in his mouth once, and my mom caught him with it in his mouth, too. When I caught him, he was trying to chew it and eat it. Yuck! Needless to say, he is quick!
Last week, our good friends Brantley and Adrienne, and their daughter Ainsley, came to visit us! We enjoyed lots of yummy food in Roanoke, great shopping in Southlake, and some down time at the house while watching our little ones play.
We met Brantley's parents, Kenneth and Patty, in Roanoke for dinner at Cowboy Chow, and they loved the little ones so much that they wanted a picture with them. I love Camden's expression. I think it says, "I'm refusing to smile, because I have no idea who these people are." Such a silly kid!
The whole crew - I should have taken a picture of Neal and Brantley's meals - they ordered a chicken pot pie and fancy mashed potato bowl, but the way they were served was so cute! We loved our meals in Roanoke. We also visited the Twisted Root and Mi Familia while the Pearce's were in town.
Camden also shared his toys with Ainsley. They definitely noticed each other more, but didn't always interact with each other as much as they will in a few years.
So sweet in their pj's! This was first thing in the morning, so excuse the bed head! Also, Neal, Camden, and I had runny noses this week, so we weren't as fun, and poor little Ainsley had a fever and just wasn't herself. I felt so bad for Adrienne, because I know that it is very stressful to be out of town with a sick little one. I know that they are glad to have her back at home!
Today, Camden went to the doctor for his nine month check-up. He weighs 20 pounds (25-50th percentile), is 30 inches tall (90-95th percentile), and his head is 46 centimeters around (50-75th percentile). I told Neal that he is a lean, mean machine! I'm pretty sure his weight is a good indicator of just how active he is! He is burning off those calories faster than we can get them in him! And, he is helping me to burn those calories off - I only have five more pounds of baby weight left to go! Here are some pics from his nine month photo shoot:
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